我们的任务是使用二进制文件实现快速排序,仅使用 file.seek 、 file.read 和 file.write 命令。这是整数的二进制文件。
我遇到的问题是递归部分,在枢轴的“子树”上调用函数。我一直在关注这个网站上提出的算法:http: //xoax.net/comp_sci/crs/algorithms/lessons/Lesson4/并一直使用代码示例作为我的二进制文件实现的伪代码。
//Algorithm and code example used:
void manage( fstream & file , int lindex , int fSize ){
//Chunks of 1 or 0 do not need sorting
if( fSize <= 1 )
//Choose point in file as "pivot." Pivot is a value.
//pp is the index of "pivot"
int pp = (rand() % fSize) + lindex;
file.seekp( pp * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
int pivot;
file.read( (char*)&pivot , sizeof( int ) );
//Choose "indices" to be swapped. These will be used in seekp
int leftIndex = lindex;
int rightIndex = fSize - 1;
//Swap val , swap val, temp storage, swap index 1 , swap index 2
int leftSwap , rightSwap , temp , tempI1 , tempI2 = 0;
//Dummy indecies to help with tracking partitions.
int dumL = leftIndex;
int dumR = rightIndex;
while( dumL < dumR ){
//Move to left index from the file beginning.
file.seekp( dumL * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
tempI1 = file.tellp() / sizeof( int );
dumL = tempI1;
file.read( (char*)&temp , sizeof( int ) );
while( temp < pivot );
leftSwap = temp;
//Move to right index.
file.seekp( dumR * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
int n = 1;
tempI2 = file.tellp() / sizeof( int );
dumR = tempI2;
file.read( (char*)&temp , sizeof( int ) );
file.seekp( ( rightIndex - n ) * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
while( temp > pivot );
rightSwap = temp;
//Swap values
int hold = 0;
if( leftSwap == rightSwap && rightSwap == pivot )
file.seekp( tempI1 * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
file.read( (char*)&hold , sizeof( int ) );
file.seekp( tempI1 * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
file.write( (char*)&rightSwap , sizeof( int ) );
file.seekp( tempI2 * sizeof( int ) , file.beg );
file.write( (char*)&leftSwap , sizeof( int ) );
cout << "pp: " << pp << endl;
cout << "dumL: " << dumL << endl;
cout << "dumR: " << dumR << endl << endl;
//cout << "Lmanage: \n\t Lindex: 0\n\tSize: " << dumL << endl;
manage( file , 0 , dumL );
//cout << "Rmanage: \n\t Lindex: " << dumL + 1 << "\n\tSize: " << fSize - dumL - 1 << endl;
manage( file , dumL + 1 , fSize - (dumL - leftIndex) - 1 );
void quicksort( fstream & file , int iSize ){
srand( ( unsigned int ) time( 0 ) );
manage( file , 0 , iSize );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
if( argc != 2 ){
cout << "Invalid number of arguments.\n";
return -1;
fstream file;
int x = 0;
file.open( argv[1] , ios::binary | ios::out | ios::in );
//Calculate number of ints in file.
file.seekg( 0 , file.end );
int size = file.tellg() / sizeof( int );
cout << "size: " << size << endl;
quicksort( file , size );
return 0;
“arg”是一个包含 100 个整数的二进制文件,可能有重复。问题是它似乎对前 1/4 进行了排序,但索引混淆了,“大小”参数变为负数。