我正在学习如何使用 ASP.NET 使用 highcharts,但我遇到了一个问题。如何修改 credits 标签的默认值。
Chart1.Title = New Title("Titre de la chart")
Chart1.SubTitle = New SubTitle("ALLAMI Said")
Chart1.Legend.layout = Layout.vertical
Chart1.Legend.align = Align.right
Chart1.Legend.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.top
Chart1.Legend.borderWidth = 0
Chart1.Legend.x = -10
Chart1.Legend.y = 100
Chart1.ShowCredits = True
Chart1.YAxis.Add(New YAxisItem() With {.title = New Title("yAxis Titre")})
Chart1.XAxis.Add(New XAxisItem() With {.categories = New Object() {"1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999", "2000", "2001", "2002"}})
Dim series = New Collection(Of Serie)()
series.Add(New Serie() With {.name = "Said", .data = New Object() {400, 435, 446, 479, 554, 634, 687, 750, 831}})
series.Add(New Serie() With {.name = "Kati", .data = New Object() {120, 220, 320, 420, 320, 420, 320, 420, 500}})
Chart1.DataSource = series
Chart1.ShowCredits = True
但它显示了 highcharts 库的默认值,我该如何修改这些值?