我正在使用 Achartengine 生成条形图,我想改进它们的外观。我正在考虑为显示的每个条添加笔画(轮廓?)。
有没有办法将 BasicStroke 用于 XYMultipleSeriesRenderer?
这就是我想要实现的目标,基于我所拥有的(我有一个 XYMultipleSeriesRenderer,我想在其中添加一个笔划):
我尝试使用 BasicStroke.class 方法扩展 XYMultipleSeriesRenderer,以查看是否可以在 XYMultipleSeriesRenderer 上使用 setStroke(只是一个实验,所以不要跳到我身上)。没想到它会起作用,但我提供了代码,以便您更好地理解我的想法。
最好,我希望尽可能多地重用来自 Achartengine 的代码,而不必修改 .jar 文件。如果有一种方法可以扩展其中一个类……那将是节省生命/时间的方法。
package com.example.android.fragments_proto.aChartEngine;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.achartengine.chart.PointStyle;
import org.achartengine.renderer.BasicStroke;
import org.achartengine.renderer.XYMultipleSeriesRenderer;
import android.graphics.Color;
public class BarChartStyling extends XYMultipleSeriesRenderer {
/** The stroke style. */
private BasicStroke mStroke;
* Returns the stroke style.
* @return the stroke style
public BasicStroke getStroke() {
return mStroke;
* Sets the stroke style.
* @param stroke the stroke style
public void setStroke(BasicStroke stroke) {
mStroke = stroke;
虽然,有一种更优雅的方式来实现这一点,但我在 BarChart.class 中找到了一个快捷方式。它涉及编辑源代码,但它是一个不错的解决方案。
我会在有时间的时候完善它并将其提交给 repo。在谷歌代码上。
private void drawBar(Canvas canvas, float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax, int scale,
int seriesIndex, Paint paint) {
SimpleSeriesRenderer renderer = mRenderer.getSeriesRendererAt(seriesIndex);
// set the color to the first drawRect
// using the paint param.
// use the first drawRect to draw a bar
// with (left, top, right, bottom, paint)
canvas.drawRect(Math.round(xMin), Math.round(yMin), Math.round(xMax), Math.round(yMax), paint);
if (renderer.isGradientEnabled()) {
float minY = (float) toScreenPoint(new double[] { 0, renderer.getGradientStopValue() }, scale)[1];
float maxY = (float) toScreenPoint(new double[] { 0, renderer.getGradientStartValue() },
float gradientMinY = Math.max(minY, Math.min(yMin, yMax));
float gradientMaxY = Math.min(maxY, Math.max(yMin, yMax));
int gradientMinColor = renderer.getGradientStopColor();
int gradientMaxColor = renderer.getGradientStartColor();
int gradientStartColor = gradientMaxColor;
int gradientStopColor = gradientMinColor;
if (yMin < minY) {
canvas.drawRect(Math.round(xMin), Math.round(yMin), Math.round(xMax),
Math.round(gradientMinY), paint);
} else {
gradientStopColor = getGradientPartialColor(gradientMinColor, gradientMaxColor,
(maxY - gradientMinY) / (maxY - minY));
if (yMax > maxY) {
canvas.drawRect(Math.round(xMin), Math.round(gradientMaxY), Math.round(xMax),
Math.round(yMax), paint);
} else {
gradientStartColor = getGradientPartialColor(gradientMaxColor, gradientMinColor,
(gradientMaxY - minY) / (maxY - minY));
GradientDrawable gradient = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, new int[] {
gradientStartColor, gradientStopColor });
gradient.setBounds(Math.round(xMin), Math.round(gradientMinY), Math.round(xMax),
} else {
if (Math.abs(yMin - yMax) < 1) {
if (yMin < yMax) {
yMax = yMin + 1;
} else {
yMax = yMin - 1;
// set the color to the second drawRect
// using the paint param.
// modify the drawRect size and position to create a
// smaller bar above the first one
// while modifying it's size proportionally
// (left + 5, top + 5, right - 5, bottom - 5, paint)
canvas.drawRect(Math.round(xMin + 5), Math.round(yMin + 5), Math.round(xMax - 5), Math.round(yMax - 5), paint);