I'm using the Koala gem to post images to the Facebook wall with the put_object method. The problem I'm having is that the images show up as thumbnails on the wall (with a caption) instead of the larger image that I'm expecting. When you click on the thumbnail, I'm expecting the photo to pop open in Facebook's photo viewer, but it simply directs me to the URL of the image I specified. This seems more like the behavior I'd expect when posting a link to the wall. I've also tried using post_picture with no success. Here is a screenshot of what I'm expecting: http://cl.ly/image/472a2H333z13

My stream permissions include the following:


The following code works but not as expected - here is a screenshot of how an image posted in using put_object appears on the timeline: http://cl.ly/image/1x3X1K0k2l2D

put_object('me', 'feed', :message => 'this is the message', :name => 'this is the caption', :picture => 'http://www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/listen.png', :source => 'http://www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/ssPublish.jpg')

This code doesn't work at all:

put_picture('me', 'feed', :message => 'this is the message', :name => 'this is the caption', :picture => 'http://www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/listen.png', :source => 'http://www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/ssPublish.jpg')

I also can't find any difference between :picture and :source.

Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?


2 回答 2



 graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(cookies[:acess_token])
                     {:message => "introduces Some information"}
 rescue Exception => e
   render :text => e.message and return
于 2013-07-29T14:47:37.140 回答

在我的脑海中,你可能需要一张更大的照片。更具体地说,我认为宽度至少需要 480px

您代码中的图像似乎小于 480 像素:http: //www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/listen.png http://www.socialvolt.com/img/producttour/ssPublish.jpg

这来自用户生成照片的经验。您并没有真正使用 Open Graph Actions,所以我不知道 Facebook 是否将相同的规则应用于通用照片上传。

于 2013-05-06T21:29:39.947 回答