我在这个问题中看到了一段我无法理解的代码片段(很可能是因为我是该领域的初学者)。这个问题谈到了“一个明显的竞争条件,有时生产者会完成,发出信号,而 ConsumerWorkers 会在消费队列中的所有内容之前停止。”
据我了解,只有在生产者决定不再在队列中添加项目后,才会在消费者身上设置“isRunning”。因此,如果消费者线程将 isRunning 视为 FALSE,然后看到 inputQueue 为空,那么将来就不可能再将任何东西添加到队列中。显然,我错了并且遗漏了一些东西,因为没有人回答这个问题,说这个问题的场景是不可能的。那么,有人可以解释一下导致这种竞争状况的事件顺序吗?
public class ConsumerWorker implements Runnable{
private BlockingQueue<Produced> inputQueue;
private volatile boolean isRunning = true;
public ConsumerWorker(BlockingQueue<Produced> inputQueue) {
this.inputQueue = inputQueue;
public void run() {
//worker loop keeps taking en element from the queue as long as the producer is still running or as
//long as the queue is not empty:
while(isRunning || !inputQueue.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Consumer "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" START");
try {
Object queueElement = inputQueue.take();
//process queueElement
} catch (Exception e) {
//this is used to signal from the main thread that he producer has finished adding stuff to the queue
public void setRunning(boolean isRunning) {
this.isRunning = isRunning;