我似乎无法确保 python 模函数正常工作,我尝试了各种数字,但似乎无法得到正确的除法。
print """
Welcome to the ISBN checker,
To use this program you will enter a 10 digit number to be converted to an International Standard Book Number
ISBNNo = raw_input("please enter a ten digit number of choice")
counter = 11 #Set the counter to 11 as we multiply by 11 first
acc = 0 #Set the accumulator to 0
for i in ISBNNo:
print str(i) + " * " + str(counter)
acc = acc + (int(i) * counter) #cast value a integer and multiply by counter
counter -= 1 #decrement counter
print "Total = " + str(acc)
acc = acc % 11
print "Mod by 11 = " + str(acc)
从 11 开始
acc = 11 - acc
print "subtract the remainder from 9 = " + str(acc)
ISBNNo = ISBNNo + str(acc)
print "ISBN Number including check digit is: " + ISBNNo