I use following code in lib/tasks/sample_data.rake
file to generate fake data to fill development database.
namespace :db do
desc "Fill database with sample data"
task populate: :environment do
Faker::Config.locale = :en
99.times do |n|
title = Faker::Lorem.words(2..10)
body = Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(2..8)
Topic.create!(title: title,
body: body)
The problem is the generated text for title looks like this in index
--- - doloribus - numquam - placeat - delectus - et - vero
--- - nostrum - numquam - laudantium - voluptas - est - laborum
--- - perferendis - nemo - facilis - quis - eos - quia - sint
There are unnecessary hiphens in the generated output, This also happens in the generated paragraphs. As shown below.
--- - Fuga explicabo et ea. Excepturi earum ut consequatur minima iure.
Molestias id tempora alias quisquam animi earum. Eius libero minima ut.
Repudiandae eum commodi. - Iure aliquam at maxime. Rerum ea non corrupti
asperiores est. Debitis suscipit nihil quod ut eaque sint repellat.
quae doloremque. - Voluptatem facere deleniti nisi libero. Molestiae
magni dolores repudiandae in corporis. Ut enim illum optio et architecto.
How do I prevent this behavior of adding unnecessary hyphens, and create clean looking English statements and paragraphs with faker gem.