I have a ShellViewModel which loads a Modal Dialog. The Dialog's ViewModel has its OnActivate() override, where it gathers the data to be displayed on the Dialog. I would like to know how can we ask the WindowManager to cancel its ShowDialog based on a condition in OnActivate of the ViewModel backing the dialog.
For example, lets say that I have following code in ShellViewModel which tries to load a modal dialog based on StationOpenViewModel
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<object>, IShell, IHandle<ConnectionChangedEvent> {
public void ShowOpenStationPage() {
StationOpenViewModel viewModel = container.GetExportedValue<StationOpenViewModel>();
and here is to code of OnActivate override of the StationOpenViewModel
public class StationOpenViewModel : Screen {
protected override void OnActivate() {
try {
using (StationRepository stationRepository = new StationRepository()) {
//code to get Station Data
catch (Exception ex) {
//Here I have no data, so there is no point in showing the window.
//How to cancel showDialog() for this viewModel
So in the above code, if I get Exception in OnActivate override, I don't have any Station data to show and I would like to cancel the showDialog() for the StationOpenViewModel. I tried using TryClose(), but if I do so, the WindowManager.ShowDialog() throws exception saying that the operation is invalid.
In summary, if I call WindowManager.ShowDialog() for a dialog backed by some ViewModel, then in that ViewModel how do I cancel the ShowDialog() operation.