I'm having trouble with storing the output of a function into a variable. I think it's best that I give some context to the problem I'm trying to work out. Suppose that players "a" and "r" play a game of tennis, the runningScoreFn sums the pointHistory vector and puts everything together in a nice data.frame
runningScoreFn = function(pointHistory){
playerUni = c("a", "r")
cols = sapply(playerUni, function(thisPlayer){
cumsum(pointHistory == thisPlayer)
names(cols) = playerUni
cbind(pointHistory, as.data.frame(cols))
The oneEpxiermentGameFn that plays out a game of "a" v.s "r".The first player to win 4 points wins the game, but he must be ahead by at least 2 points. "r" has 60% chance of winning a point.
pRogerPoint = 0.6
oneExperimentGameFn = function(pRogerPoint){
game = c(rep("r",pRogerPoint * 100), rep("a", 100-pRogerPoint*100))
i = 4
keepGoing = TRUE
whosePoint = sample(game, size=i, replace=TRUE)
success = TRUE
keepGoing = FALSE
}else if(sum(whosePoint=="a")-sum(whosePoint=="r")>=2){
success = FALSE
keepGoing = FALSE
pRogerGameFn shows the probability that Roger wins the game.
pRogerGameFn = function(pRogerPoint, NExperiments){
RogerGameFn = lapply(1:NExperiments,function(dummy){
Here I wish to store the output into the variable ok, but ok returns NULL. I think this has something to do with my oneExperimentGameFn. I also tried ok = RogerGameFn, but ok also returns NULL.