
我想写一个 compare 方法,每个类都是唯一的,然后将以下代码添加到每个类定义中,将 T 替换为我所在的类的名称:

bool operator== (const T& L, const T& R)        {return L.compare(R)==0;}
bool operator!= (const T& L, const T& R)      {return L.compare(R)!=0;}
bool operator< (const T& L, const T& R)       {return L.compare(R)<0;}
bool operator<= (const T& L, const T& R)        {return L.compare(R)<=0;}
bool operator> (const T& L, const T& R)       {return L.compare(R)>0;}
bool operator>= (const T& L, const T& R)      {return L.compare(R)>=0;}

不过,这有点重复。有没有更通用的方法呢?我想我可以为此编写一个宏,在 T 上对其进行参数化,但是宏现在不是很 cplusplusy,是吗?我还考虑了继承和多态性,从我所读到的(我还没有使用虚拟类;我是 C++ 新手),我似乎会引入不必要的运行时开销,因为我m 不需要通过基类指针进行统一访问。除了宏或复制粘贴之外,还有更好的方法来完成它吗?


3 回答 3




#include <boost/operators.hpp>
#include <cassert>

struct Integer : boost::totally_ordered<Integer>
    int value;
    Integer(int x) : value(x) {}

bool operator<(Integer lhs,Integer rhs)
    return lhs.value < rhs.value;
bool operator==(Integer lhs,Integer rhs)
    return lhs.value == rhs.value;

int main()
    Integer a(1), b(2), c(1);
    // We have defined only operator< and operator==
    assert(a < b);
    assert(a == c);
    // Other operators are provided automaticly:
    assert(a <= b);
    assert(b > a);
    assert(b >= a);
    assert(a != b);
于 2013-04-20T22:51:32.327 回答


#include <cassert>
struct Integer
    int value;
    Integer(int x) : value(x) {}

bool operator<(Integer lhs,Integer rhs)
    return lhs.value < rhs.value;
bool operator==(Integer lhs,Integer rhs)
    return lhs.value == rhs.value;

template< class T >
bool operator!= (const T& L, const T& R) { return !(L==R); }
template< class T >
bool operator<= (const T& L, const T& R) { return (L < R) || (L == R); }
template< class T >
bool operator>  (const T& L, const T& R) { return (!(L < R)) && (!(L == R)); }
template< class T >
bool operator>= (const T& L, const T& R) { return !(L < R); }

int main()
    Integer a(1), b(2), c(1);
    assert(a < b);
    assert(a <= b);
    assert(b > a);
    assert(b >= a);
    assert(a == c);
    assert(a != b);


#include <cassert>
struct Integer {
  int value;
  Integer(int x) : value(x) {}
  int compare(const Integer & rhs) const {
    return (value - rhs.value);

template< class T >
bool operator== (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)==0; }
template< class T >
bool operator!= (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)!=0; }
template< class T >
bool operator<  (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)<0; }
template< class T >
bool operator<= (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)<=0; }
template< class T >
bool operator>  (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)>0; }
template< class T >
bool operator>= (const T& L, const T& R) { return L.compare(R)>=0; }

int main() {
  Integer a(1), b(2), c(1);
  assert(a < b);
  assert(a <= b);
  assert(b > a);
  assert(b >= a);
  assert(a == c);
  assert(a != b);
于 2013-04-20T23:00:44.583 回答


class AClass
    int compare(const AClass& a) const
        return this == &a ? 0 : 1; // i'm sure you can do the -1 / 1 stuff

    friend bool operator==(const AClass& L, const AClass& R)
        return L.compare(R) == 0;

这将允许比较 AClass 和所有后代。

于 2013-04-20T22:38:50.740 回答