I found some topics which might have been related to my issue, but I wasn't 100% sure.

I want to setup Events tracking (Google Analytics) so that I know which photos from a Lightbox image gallery attract the most attention.

I used this:

a rel="lightbox[portrait]" href="images/image-14.jpg" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image', 'Open Image', '14' ]);"><img src="images/thumb-14.jpg"></a>

But of course, if the visitor then uses the left/right arrows to navigate, I only know which photo was the initial click.

Is there any way around this?


1 回答 1



话虽如此,但它是一种参与度的衡量标准。您可以做的是计算用户进行了多少次转换 + 初始选择,并将其作为自定义变量或自定义指标(在 GA Universal 的情况下)推送,然后您可以设置阈值来限定访问者。

于 2013-04-20T23:51:20.457 回答