I'm testing with Google Cloud Endpoints on App Engine and I've mapped my app to a custom domain. It appears that this is not possible. I've tried accessing the endpoint url, changing the host but this gives me a 404. I've also tried to change the root url and backend url for the service, but then I get this error after deployment:

Endpoints: https://test.neenbedankt.com/_ah/api/myapi@v1 Error: API root https://test.neenbedankt.com/_ah/api not allowed on host version.myappid.appspot.com

Can somebody confirm this is a limitation? For my current project this would be a showstopper.


2 回答 2


Correct, you can not map to a custom domain at current.

于 2013-04-20T20:23:02.470 回答

edit: Google CloudEndpoints 2.0 will support this, which is now BETA. As explained by Google in the link below.

Google has now announced this "will be supported" but has not given an ETA.


于 2016-02-23T06:08:11.150 回答