warning LGHT1076 : ICE91: The file 'doc_code_file1' will be installed to the per user directory 'code_Simple' that doesn't vary based on ALLUSERS value
. This file won't be copied to each user's profile even if a per machine installation is desired
<Component Id='doc_code_copy' Guid='DA95057C-9866-4422-B00B-105BBF862C92' Directory='code_Simple'>
<RegistryKey Root='HKCU' Key='Software\SimpleToolkit_2012\uninstall\Codesnipet'>
<RegistryValue Value='Installed code snipet in Document' Type='string' KeyPath='yes'></RegistryValue>
<File Id='doc_code_file1' Name='doc_code_file1' DiskId='1'
Source='Personalfolder\Visual Studio 2012\Code Snippets\Visual C#\My Code Snippets\command.snippet' />