
我在 codeplex 找到了这个很棒的工具:http://tfstimesheet.codeplex.com/ 它似乎不适用于 TFS 2010,因为它的最后一个版本是 2009 年的,并且记录在 TFS 2008 上使用。

有没有其他方法可以填写 TFS 2010 中的时间表?


1 回答 1


Tfs doesn't provide time-sheet functionality and has no concept of date in regard to completed work (in default templates atleast).

Any tool including the one you linked relies on its own datastore and timesheet frontend to fill data into tfs workitems and attach required timesheet information and save it into datastore. Depending on its sofistication it may or may not detect changes done directly in workitem (most likly will not).

Quick google search 'tfs timesheet application' returns several options, i have used chrono and it generaly gets the job done, cant say anything on install and configuration as i was not involved with those.



于 2013-04-22T09:54:50.957 回答