当我将东西输入我的程序时,它似乎没有像 0x4 这样的字符来指示 EOF。

$ echo "abc" | map 'cat'
saw a: \x61
saw b: \x62
saw c: \x63
: \x0A

我必须按 Ctrl+C 才能退出,但我不确定 Ctrl+C 的作用是什么。可能是让 shell 向管道发送 SIGINT?我不知道管道在那个级别上是如何工作的。


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::Pty::Easy;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Encode;

$#ARGV % 2 and die "Odd number of args required.\n";

if ($#ARGV == -1) {
    warn ("No args provided. A command must be specified.\n");
    exit 1;

# be sure to enter the command as a string
my %mapping = @ARGV[-@ARGV..-2];

my $interactive = -t STDIN;

# my %mapping = @ARGV;
# my @mapkeys = keys %mapping;

# warn @mapkeys;
if ($interactive) {
    print "Spawning command in pty: @ARGV\n"
    # print "\nContinue? (y/n)";
    # my $y_n;
    # while (($y_n = <STDIN>) !~ /^(y|n)$/) {
    #     print '(y/n)';
    # }
    # exit if $y_n eq "n\n";

my $pty = IO::Pty::Easy->new();
my $spawnret = $pty->spawn("@ARGV")."\n";

print STDERR "Spawning has failed: @ARGV\n" if !$spawnret;

ReadMode 4;
    ReadMode 0; # Reset tty mode before exiting

my $i = undef;
my $j = 0;

    local $| = 1;
    while (1) {

        # responsive to key input, and pty output may be behind by 50ms
        my $key = ReadKey(0.05);
        # last if !defined($key) || !$key;
        if (defined($key)) {
            my $code = ord($key); # this byte is...
            if ($interactive and $code == 4) {
                # User types Ctrl+D
                print STDERR "Saw ^D from term, embarking on filicide with TERM signal\n";
                $pty->kill("TERM", 0); # blocks till death of child
            printf("saw %s: \\x%02X\n", $key, $code);

            # echo translated input to pty
            if ($key eq "a") {
                $pty->write("zzz"); # print 'Saw "a", wrote "zzz" to pty';
            } else {
                $pty->write($key); # print "Wrote to pty: $key";

sub myread {
    # read out pty's activity to echo to stdout
    my $from_pty = $pty->read(0);
    if (defined($from_pty)) {
        if ($from_pty) {
            # print "read from pty -->$from_pty<--\n";
            print $from_pty;
        } else {
            if ($from_pty eq '') {
                # empty means EOF means pty has exited, so I exit because my fate is sealed
                print STDERR "Got back from pty EOF, quitting\n" if $interactive;


现在我的问题是我怎样才能map知道echo "abc"已经到达输入的末尾?参看。echo "abc" | cat自行完成。ReadKey 似乎没有提供用于确定这种情况的 API。

同样,我不确定如何将 EOF 传递给 pty 中的孩子。我认为当命令要写入文件或其他内容时,这可能会导致问题,因为 EOF 与发送终止信号是正确写入文件与不干净退出之间的区别。


1 回答 1


尝试从 STDIN 读取而不是 $pty 对象。您通过外壳创建的管道将数据传递给您的 STDIN 文件描述符 0,在 perl 中就是您的句柄。


于 2013-05-08T14:41:05.160 回答