6 回答
Of course it can be done on a single-processor system, and in fact it's much easier that way. It works the same way as running multiple processes -- the kernel, via a timer interrupt or other similar mechanism, suspends one, saving its machine state, and replacing that by the previously-saved state of another -- the only difference being that two threads of the same process share the same virtual memory space, making the task-switch much more efficient.
Multi-threading on multi-processor systems is actually much more difficult, since you have issues of simultaneous access to memory from multiple cpus/cores, and all the nasty memory synchronization issues that arise out of that.
如果两个线程每个执行需要 10us,那么在 2 处理器系统上,净时间为 10us
如果两个线程每个执行需要 10us,那么在 1 个处理器系统上,净时间需要 20us
You can have more than four active threads on a quad core system. There is scheduling, unless you can guarantee that processes won't try to create more threads than there are processors.
Yes, you can have multiple threads on a single-core computer.
The difference between single processor and multi-processor systems is that a multi-processor system can indeed do more than one thing at a time. It can do N things at a time, where N is the number of processor cores. A single-processor core can only do one thing at a time. As WhozCraig said in his comment, it's the difference between actual and perceived concurrency.
是的,你完全可以。很久以前(Win 95?)我们从协作多任务到多线程,因为总是有人搞砸了协作部分。您计算机上的每个程序都至少有一个线程。可能更多。CPU 会在所有这些线程之间不停地切换,每秒几百万次。如果他们都无事可做,它甚至可能会闲置一段时间。
多任务处理足以防止 GUI 线程因为长时间运行的操作而锁定。但是,实现起来通常很复杂,除非您从编译器或语言(如 C# async...await)获得一些帮助。结果,许多 GUI 程序员只是使用多线程和调用来伪造多任务。如果该代码在单核或多核上运行,则与此无关。
最重要的是,多任务不适合 CPU 密集型操作。但是 95% 的异步问题都不受 CPU 限制。它们是网络或磁盘绑定的。在单核计算机上,多线程也无助于 CPU 绑定的东西。如果您有两个线程都需要 100% 的 CPU 时间(相同的程序或不同的程序)但只有一个内核来运行它们,那么 CPU 只需在两者都以 49% 的运行时间和剩余的 2% 运行之间切换其他只做一点点的线程。
tl;博士; 您需要多线程和多核计算机来解决 CPU 绑定问题。大多数异步问题不受 CPU 限制。多任务处理就足够了。即使在单核机器上,您也可以使用线程完全执行多任务。
Here's a very simplified example. It's actually a prototype for a program I'm building. It's a implementation of cooperative multitasking in a single thread.
simply sets the quit
flag to false, and populates an array of function pointers (the tasks), and then calls loop
uses setjmp
to set a return point for a non-local jump (a jump out of the function back to a previous location in the execution) and then proceeds to call the first task (function).
Each task ends with yield()
. That is, none of the task functions actually return
. Not only do they not contain a return;
statement (which would be fine since they are void
functions, ie. procedures), but they wouldn't reach the return
even if it was there because yield
jumps back to the setjmp
call, this time yielding a 1 to the if
statement in loop
. The statement controlled by the if
statement selects a different task before re-entering the while
So each task function runs multiple times, yielding to the dispatcher (the if(setjmp...
statement) which selects a new task to run.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
jmp_buf dispatch;
int ntasks;
void (*task[10])(void);
int quit;
void yield(void) {
longjmp(dispatch, 1);
void loop() {
static int i = 0;
i = (i+1) % ntasks;
int acc = 0;
void a(void) {
if (acc > 10) quit = 1;
void b(void) {
acc *= 2;
void c(void) {
acc += 1;
int main() {
quit = 0;
ntasks = 3;
task[0] = a;
task[1] = b;
task[2] = c;
return 0;
The difference between this example and a single-processor multitasking computer system is the real processor supports interrupting a task in the middle of execution and resuming it later from the same spot. This isn't really possible in a C simulation with tasks as single functions. However, the tasks could be composed of a sequence of C functions which each yield to the dispatcher (an array of function pointers, maybe, or a linked-list).