我正在用 C 语言创建一个简单的 tictactoe 游戏。但是我在我的 main 函数中不断收到这个错误,我不知道在我的 else 语句之前它想要什么预期的表达式。该程序的工作原理是我从两个玩家那里获得符号,然后他们开始游戏。
tictac.c: In function ‘main’:
tictac.c:31: error: expected expression before ‘else’
tictac.c: At top level:
tictac.c:49: warning: conflicting types for ‘print’
tictac.c:30: warning: previous implicit declaration of ‘print’ was here
tictac.c:63: error: conflicting types for ‘check’
tictac.c:63: note: an argument type that has a default promotion can’t match an empty parameter name list declaration
tictac.c:29: error: previous implicit declaration of ‘check’ was here
tictac.c:89: warning: conflicting types for ‘move’
tictac.c:28: warning: previous implicit declaration of ‘move’ was here
char board[3][3];
int main(void)
int first;
char player1, player2;
printf("Player 1: Choose your symbol: \n");
player1 = getchar();
printf("Player 2: Choose your symbol: \n");
player2 = getchar();
int i=0;
int win;
char turn;
while(win == 0)
if((i%2) == 0)
turn = player1;
win = check(player1);
turn = player2;
if (i == 8)
printf("its a tie");
printf("the winner is %c", turn);
return 0;
/*printing the board that takes in a placement int*/
void print(void)
int r;
for (r = 0; r < 3; r++){
printf(" %c | %c | %c \n" , board[r][0], board[r][2], board[r][3]);
if (r != 2)
/*check to see if someone won*/
int check(char player)
int r, c;
for ( r = 0 ; r <3 ; r++)
if ((board[r][0] == player) && (board[r][1] == player) && (board[r][2] == player))
return 1;
for ( c = 0 ; c <3 ; c++)
if ((board[0][c] == player) && (board[1][c] == player) && (board[2][c] == player))
return 1;
if((board[0][0] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][2] == player))
return 1;
if((board[0][2] == player) && (board[1][1] == player) && (board[2][0] == player))
return 1;
return 0;
void move(char player)
int place;
printf("player1, enter placement: \n");
scanf("%d", &place);
if (place == 1)
board[0][0] = player;
else if (place == 2)
board[0][1] = player;
else if (place == 3)
board[0][2] = player;
else if (place == 4)
board[1][0] = player;
else if (place == 5)
board[1][1] = player;
else if (place == 6)
board[1][2] = player;
else if (place == 7)
board[2][0] = player;
else if (place == 8)
board[2][1] = player;
else if (place == 9)
board[2][2] = player;