
    Path         Action
    -----------  -------
 1. $/foo/*/baz  include
 2. $/foo/bar/*  exclude

现在有了上面的例子,一个项目 at$/foo/bar/baz将匹配这两个动作。鉴于此,我想提供通配符路径特异性的粗略分数,这将基于第一个通配符出现的“深度”。最深的路径将获胜。重要的是,只有*以正斜杠 ( /*/) 为界的通配符才允许使用(除非在末尾 then /*),并且可以在路径中的各个点指定任何数字。




当有通配符时效果很好(例如,上面的路径#1 有 2 个正斜杠匹配,#2 有 3 个正斜杠匹配),但是当没有通配符时,它自然匹配所有正斜杠。我确信这是一个简单的步骤,但由于生锈的正则表达式技能,我被卡住了。



3 回答 3



match = Regex.Match(subject, 
    @"^       # Start of string
    (         # Match and capture in group number 1...
     [^*/]*   #  any number of characters except slashes or asterisks
     /        #  followed by a slash
    )*        # zero or more times.
    [^*/]*    # Match any additional non-slash/non-asterisk characters.
    \*        # Then match an asterisk", 


现在的聪明之处在于 .NET 正则表达式,与大多数其他正则表达式风格不同,实际上可以计算重复捕获组匹配的次数(大多数其他正则表达式引擎只是丢弃该信息),这使我们能够确定斜杠之前的数量字符串中的第一个星号。




于 2013-04-20T06:45:31.373 回答


使用 LINQ,它是一个 2-liner:

string s = "$/foo/bar/baz";
var asteriskPos = s.IndexOf('*');  // will be -1 if there is no asterisk
var slashCount = s.Where((c, i) => c == '/' && i < asteriskPos).Count();
于 2013-04-20T03:58:56.617 回答

A way that would approach the task:

  1. Validate all test paths (make sure they are valid and contain either \*\ or end by *).

  2. Use a sorted collection to keep track of the test paths and associated actions.

  3. Sort the collection based on the position of the wildcard in the string.

  4. Test the item against each path in the sorted collection.
    You can replace the * in the string by .*? to use it in a regex.

  5. Stop at the first match and return the associated action, otherwise continue with the next test in the collection.

A quick test implementation of some of the above:

void Main()
    // Define some actions to test and add them to a collection
    var ActionPaths = new List<ActionPath>() {
        new ActionPath() {TestPath = "/foo/*/baz",   Action = "include"},
        new ActionPath() {TestPath = "/foo/bar/*",   Action = "exclude"},
        new ActionPath() {TestPath = "/foo/doo/boo", Action = "exclude"},
    // Sort the list of actions based on the depth of the wildcard

    // the path for which we are trying to find the corresponding action
    string PathToTest = "/foo/bar/baz";

    // Test all ActionPaths from the top down until we find something
    var found = default(ActionPath);
    foreach (var ap in ActionPaths) {
        if (ap.IsMatching(PathToTest)) {
            found = ap;

    // At this point, we have either found an Action, or nothing at all
    if (found != default(ActionTest)) {
        // Found an Action!
    } else {
        // Found nothing at all :-(

// Hold and Action Test
class ActionPath : IComparable<ActionPath>
    public string TestPath;
    public string Action;

    // Returns true if the given path matches the TestPath
    public bool IsMatching(string path) {
        var t = TestPath.Replace("*",".*?");
        return Regex.IsMatch(path, "^" + t + "$");

    // Implements IComparable<T>
    public int CompareTo(ActionPath other) {
       if (other.TestPath == null) return 1;
       var ia = TestPath.IndexOf("*");
       var ib = other.TestPath.IndexOf("*");
       if (ia < ib) return 1;       
       if (ia > ib) return -1;
       return 0;
于 2013-04-20T01:22:21.730 回答