我有一个视图,我试图将文本显示为项目符号(<ul> <li>),但它似乎不起作用。我尝试 <ul><li>不将它们封闭在<div>仍然没有运气。是什么阻止它在文本前面显示项目符号。

@model UDP.Models.MCVM 

    ViewBag.Title = "MCReport";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_reportsLayout.cshtml";

   <div class="span-24 last" >

         @* code for filling a grid goes here*@


              <div class="prepend-1 span-22">
                  <strong> Notes : </strong>  
                 <ul type="circle" >

                     <li> All listings are sorted according to the user defined sort, and may not display in the order used to determine the median values.</li>
                     <li> Time ranges are based on a 360-day year commonly called the 'banking year'.</li>
                     <li> Listings are 'disqualified' from the median value calculations when their Selling, Expiration, or Inactive Date is more than 360 days from the current date.</li>
                     <li> The Sales Price/List Price calculations will be calculated using the original list price.</li>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function loadAndInit() {

        if ($.browser.mozilla) {
            if (location.pathname == "/udp/Reports") {            // This is for local env.
                $("#prntCss").attr("href", "../../../Content/SitePrint_FF.css");
            else {                                                  // This is for DEV/QA/STAGE/PROD env. 
                $("#prntCss").attr("href", "../../Content/SitePrint_FF.css");


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