我将从控制台窗口输入的两个值相乘。我正在使用32 位寄存器 eax, ebx,但它没有将值相乘。该程序正在运行,但它没有成倍增加。任何人都可以检测到问题吗?这段代码有什么问题?我在汇编语言中使用 KIP.R.IRVINE 链接库。


  INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


   inputValue1st BYTE "Input the 1st integer = ",0
   inputValue2nd BYTE "Input the 2nd integer = ",0
   outputSumMsg BYTE "The sum of the two integers is = ",0

   num1 DD ?
   num2 DD ?
   sum  DD ?


  main PROC

   ; here we are calling our Procedures

  call InputValues
  call multiplyValue
  call outputValue
  call Crlf

  main ENDP

InputValues PROC

;----------- For 1st Value--------
; input message

call Crlf
mov edx,OFFSET inputValue1st
call WriteString

call ReadInt    ; read integer
mov num1, eax   ; store the value

 ;-----------For 2nd Value----------

 ; output the prompt message
 mov edx,OFFSET inputValue2nd
 call WriteString

  call ReadInt  ; read integer
  mov num2, ebx     ; store the value

  InputValues ENDP


   multiplyValue PROC
   ; compute the sum

    mov eax, num1   ; moves num1 to eax
    mov ebx, num2   ; moves num2 to ebx

    mul ebx  ; num1 * num2 = 6 * 2
    mov sum, eax  ; the val is stored in ebx

    multiplyValue ENDP

    ;--------For Sum Output Result----------

    outputValue PROC

    ; output result
    mov edx, OFFSET outputSumMsg
    call WriteString

    mov eax, sum
    call WriteInt ; prints the value in eax
    outputValue ENDP

    End main



3 回答 3

;mov eax, num1   ; moves num1 to eax
;mov ebx, num2  ; moves num2 to ebx


于 2013-04-20T00:06:47.100 回答

输入第二个值时出现错误 ReadInt 总是将值放入 eax 但您说:

call ReadInt  ; read integer
mov num2, ebx     ; store the value


call ReadInt  ; read integer
mov num2, eax     ; store the value
于 2013-04-28T12:46:17.230 回答

迟到总比不到好 :)

TITLE MultiplyTwoNumbers (multiply.asm)

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


inputValue1st BYTE "Input the 1st integer = ",0
inputValue2nd BYTE "Input the 2nd integer = ",0
outputSumMsg BYTE "The sum of the two integers is = ",0

num1 DD ?
num2 DD ?
sum  DD ?


main PROC

; here we are calling our Procedures

call InputValues
call multiplyValue
call outputValue
call Crlf

main ENDP

InputValues PROC

;----------- For 1st Value--------
; input message

mov edx,OFFSET inputValue1st
call WriteString

call ReadInt    ; read integer
mov num1, eax   ; store the value

 ;-----------For 2nd Value----------

 ; output the prompt message
 mov edx,OFFSET inputValue2nd
 call WriteString

  call ReadInt  ; read integer
  mov num2, eax     ; store the value

  mov eax,0

  InputValues ENDP


   multiplyValue PROC
   ; compute the sum

    mov eax, num1   ; moves num1 to eax
    imul eax, num2   ; multiplies content in eax with num2 
    mov sum, eax  ; the val is stored in eax

    multiplyValue ENDP

    ;--------For Sum Output Result----------

    outputValue PROC

    ; output result
    mov edx, OFFSET outputSumMsg
    call WriteString

    mov eax, sum
    call WriteInt ; prints the value in eax
    outputValue ENDP

    End main
于 2016-10-17T07:57:11.453 回答