I have a composite component which works pretty well when used once in a page but doesn't work if I use it more than once. Let's say the component is called my:field:

            <h:form id="myForm" prependId="false">
                    <p:message for="inputID" display="text"/>
                    <p:inputText binding="#{myBean.valueBind}"  id="inputID" value="#{myBean.value}" required="true" />
                    <p:commandButton process="@form" update="@form" action="#myBean.action} value="Do something" ajax="true"/>

And I use it like this:

    <my:field id="field1"/>

That works fine, but if I add this below it:

    <my:field id="field2"/>

I get the following exception javax.faces.FacesException: Cannot find component "inputID" in view.

I don't understand what I am doing wrong? I've tried prepending the form id, the component id (field1) by using cc.attr.id. I just don't know what I need to do.

I am using mojarra 2.1.13, and primefaces 3.5. Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you.

EDIT: I added the binding=.... attribute to my p:inputText as that is what is causing the issue but I had omitted it in my initial post.


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于 2013-04-20T15:14:33.150 回答