I use Tortoise svn along with about 20 others at our site and all have an ongoing issue with it. Whenever you choose any command (update, commit, or ANY item of the right-click menu) there is almost always an initial lack of repsonse from the software. That is, it hourglasses for a few seconds and then does nothing. So you repeat the request, and it quite often still doesn't work, with same symptoms. It will typically work on the 3rd attempt, but sometimes it takes a 4th and on rare occasions even a 5th try to get it to run he command. Maybe 10% of the time it works first time.

The other symptom is that it gradually builds up multiple TortoiseProc.exe processes (I currently have 8 of these running), some of which maintain a lock on certain files so you have to kill the process to regain full access to the file. But I'm not sure if this is a result of these issues or not as it is not a '1 to 1' relationship between the number of failed commands and the number of processes. In a typical day I might execute 6 Tortoise commands, but this will have taken say 10 - 12 attempts to get them to work.

One theory is that PGP is causing issues, as all data exists on mounted PGP drives. But hard to understand why it takes a random number fo attempts, and always works in the end.

This is slowly driving us all nuts and any thoughts would be appreciated.



3 回答 3


好吧,如果理论上是 PGP 导致了问题,为什么不尝试使用未加密的驱动器,看看是否能解决问题?您的源代码是否如此敏感以至于需要位于加密驱动器上?

我使用 TortoiseSVN 已经有一段时间了,我从来没有遇到过你提到的那种问题,所以听起来你的设置中的某些东西确实导致了问题。

于 2009-10-23T03:13:52.843 回答

我不确定这是否与您的问题完全相关,但我发现 TortoiseSVN 在处理包含大量文件的存储库时有时会很慢。这体现在 tsvncache.exe 进程占用大量内存。tsvncache.exe 进程扫描文件和文件夹并将熟悉的图标与它们相关联,以表示更改/忽略等文件。

解决此问题的方法是告诉 Tortoise SVN 仅缓存您正在使用的文件夹并忽略其他文件夹。为此,请右键单击您的项目文件夹并选择 TortoiseSVN->Settings->Icon Overlays。我将排除路径设置为 c:\* 和 d:\* (基本上忽略所有固定驱动器)并将包含路径设置为我的项目文件夹。

于 2010-02-19T21:31:17.283 回答

我会尝试将客户端从图片中删除,以便您可以确定它确实是 Tortoise 问题还是根本原因出在服务器上。为什么不尝试直接从 PC 使用 Subversion 命令行来执行 Tortoise 性能不佳的功能?如果没问题,您可能还想尝试直接在服务器上运行 Tortoise 以排除网络问题。继续尝试删除可能导致问题的变量,您将很快将其缩小到根本原因。

于 2009-10-23T12:29:38.733 回答