
我想通过使用查询来查找 mysql 和 pgsql 中数据库中所有表的表名和行数。有什么查询可以找到这个吗?


2 回答 2


The SQL-standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA provides information about the structure of your database - which tables it has, etc. It does not, however, contain row counts.

At least for PostgreSQL you have at least two options for getting row counts:

  • Use an external program or a PL/PgSQL function that generates dynamic SQL using EXECUTE to do a SELECT count(*) FROM tablename for each table found in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA (excluding system tables); or

  • Run ANALYZE then get the approximate rowcounts from the PostgreSQL statistics tables. This approach is a lot faster, but is only getting an approximate table rowcount based on statistical sampling and estimation.

This has been discussed in detail for PostgreSQL here.

The approach of querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA for a table list and then looping over the tables doing count should be portable across all databases. Other approaches will likely require various degrees of database-specific code.

于 2013-04-20T05:28:08.297 回答

对于 postgresql:

nspname AS schema,relname table_name,reltuples::int rows_count

FROM pg_class C
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)


  nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND
  relkind='r'  and reltuples>0
ORDER BY relname  ;
于 2017-07-12T22:13:28.050 回答