好的,所以我一直在努力学习掌握子进程并正确等待它们完成。我已经阅读了很多 Stack Overflow Q/A,但我似乎仍然无法按照我的意愿让它工作。我一直在阅读/搜索这本书(C++ Primer plus 6th ed.)——我已经做了一些研究,但我仍然不能让它像我想要的那样等待。

因此,我在 Stack Overflow 上查看了几件事以供参考:Checking the status of a child process in C++


using namespace std;
int main() {
int status;
pid_t child;
child = fork();

if ( child > 0 ) {
    cout << "\nChild #1 is in charge\n";
    execlp("ls", "ls", NULL);

else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSomething wen't wrong in the forking process\n";

else {


child = fork();
if ( child > 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSecond child is in charge\n";
    execlp("locate", "locate", "etc", NULL);

else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSomething went wrong in the forking of second child!\n";

else {


现在这将显示Child #1 is in chargeSecond child is in charge然后它将混合两个命令(我ls在 locate 之间看到一些etc)。


using namespace std;
int main() {
int status;
pid_t child;
pid_t ch_status = waitpid(child, &status, WNOHANG);

child = fork();
if ( child > 0 ) {
    cout << "\nChild is in charge\n";
    execlp("ls", "ls", NULL);

else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSomething wen't wrong in the forking process\n";

if ( ch_status == 0 ) {


else if ( ch_status == -1 ) {
    cout << "\nERROR IN CHILD #1\n";

else {


child = fork();
if ( child == 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSecond child is in charge\n";
    execlp("locate", "locate", "etc", NULL);

else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSomething went wrong in the forking of second child!\n";

if ( ch_status == 0 ) {


else if ( ch_status == -1 ) {
    cout << "\nERROR IN CHILD #1\n";

else {


child = fork();
if ( child > 0 ) {
    cout << "\nThird child is in charge!\n";
    execlp("echo", "echo", "herro", NULL);

else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nForking of third child failed!\n";

if ( ch_status == 0 ) {


else if ( ch_status == -1 ) {
    cout << "\nERROR IN CHILD #2\n";

else {


return 0;

这更多地基于我提供的链接,它产生了与我第一次测试运行相同的结果,除了它还会显示ERROR IN CHILD #1/2.

这些命令是无关紧要的,我只是想不明白我在这里做错了什么......我也尝试过将它们嵌套在 中else { //start second fork here },但我也无济于事。



如果可能,请提交您将如何完成正确结果的示例代码(execute command 1 -> wait until done -> execute command 2 -> exit)



2 回答 2


你应该在你分叉waitpid()打电话给父母。也就是说,它应该进入分支。child > 0



using namespace std;
int main() {

int status;
pid_t child;

child = fork();
if ( child == 0 ) {
    cout << "\nChild is in charge" << endl;
    execlp("ls", "ls", NULL);
} else if ( child < 0 ) {
    cout << "\nSomething wen't wrong in the forking process" << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Parent waiting" << endl;
    pid_t ch_status = waitpid(child, &status, WNOHANG);
    if (ch_status == -1) {
      cout << "\nERROR IN CHILD #1" << endl;

child = fork();
//same procedure as above

于 2013-04-19T17:50:57.977 回答


使用endl而不是将 a\n放在行尾。操纵器endl包括冲水器。

于 2013-04-19T17:39:45.710 回答