I have an MVC web-app with a REST endpoint that receives JSON formatted data which needs to be parsed, validated and persisted to the database. The REST endpoint is mapped to a controller function.

What I need to know is where the parsing, validation and persistence should take place. Should it be done in the controller function that is mapped to the REST endpoint or should I be using the controller to simply route the data to the model layer for processing? What is the recommended way of handling this scenario?


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这些操作的数据应该以独立于表示的方式提供。例如,如果您的 RESTful 服务使用 XML 输入,则视图或控制器应处理解析。模型应该看到已解析输入的对象表示。这将让您通过提供不同的视图来简单地切换表示 - 例如,您将能够更改您的服务以处理 JSON 输入,而无需接触您的模型。

请注意,这是 MVC 职责分工的一部分,在 RESTful 架构之外也是如此。

于 2013-04-19T15:50:02.387 回答