I hava a piece of Code, that can only be executed, when a given perspective is already loaded/open.

I can use PlatformUI.getWorkbench().showPerspective("perspectiveID",PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow()); (from a Gui-Thread) to forcefully show the Perspective, but that is not good manner.

I want to show a similiar Dialog to the "Do you want to open the Debug-Perspective now", but with the difference, that i allways open the Perspective, but only bring it to the front, if the user wishes to.

For completeness: This is the result of a user-context-menu click and the user might not know, what has happened to him when i change the perspective without him knowing. (The RCP-Application did not made use of perspectives before)


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Eclipse 中没有“打开一个透视图,但不把它放在前面”的概念。

于 2013-04-19T16:23:50.460 回答