
我有一个包含NSStringNSDatedouble的三列UITableView。我想帮助用户过滤并进行最简单的查询。使用UISearchBar我可以轻松过滤文本,但我不确定。我想要三种不同类型的搜索。当日期用于例如UIDatePicker 时。最好的方法是什么?预先感谢您的任何回复。


1 回答 1

  1)For String  you can use the UISearchBar it will help you to search according to the text entered in it.

  2)For double you can  use the same UISearchBar but you can convert the text which is entered in searchbar as double and proceed filtering with your data.

  3)For NSDate you can give an Option to the user like From Date and To Date so that you can filter and display the records in between the dates
于 2013-04-19T10:37:22.603 回答