I want to visualize an object with a custom Debugger Visualizer in VS2010. But the object of that class does not have Serializable property. Since the Source code is written and maintained for long, I don't want to change the class to Serializable for Debugger Visualizer purpose only.

Can someone tell me how to achieve this?


2 回答 2


I am here attaching the code with which i achieved what i asked in the question using Json.net from Newtonsoft.

namespace MyCustomVisualizer
    public class MyObjectSource : VisualizerObjectSource
        public override void GetData(object target, Stream outgoingData)
                byte[] byteArray = JsonHelper.Serialize(target);
                outgoingData.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
            catch (Exception exp)
                MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "VisualizerObjectSource Error");

    public class MyVisualizer : DialogDebuggerVisualizer
        override protected void Show(IDialogVisualizerService windowService, IVisualizerObjectProvider objectProvider)
                string _str = null;
                Stream _stream = objectProvider.GetData();

                if (_stream != null && _stream.Length > 0)
                    object _obj = null;
                    _obj = JsonHelper.Deserialize(_stream); // Here i get the object i want
                    // ^^^
                    // Now add ur code to visualize the object in your way.

                    /* This is only to verify the object data before visualizing.
                    if (_obj != null)
                        _str = JsonHelper.ObjectToString(_obj);
                        MessageBox.Show(_str, "Show");

                // Show the grid with the list
            catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Visualizer Error"); }

    #region JsonHelper Class
    public static class JsonHelper
        public static byte[] Serialize(object _Object)
            MemoryStream _MemoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
            serializer.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_MemoryStream))
                using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                    serializer.Serialize(writer, _Object);
            catch (Exception exp)
                MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Serialize Error");
            return _MemoryStream.ToArray();

        public static object Deserialize(Stream _ByteArray)
            Object _object = new Object();
            JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
            serializer.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
                StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(_ByteArray);
                JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sw);
                _object = serializer.Deserialize(reader);
            catch (Exception exp)
                MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Deserialize Error");
            return _object;

        public static string ObjectToString(object _object)
            string _str = string.Empty;
            JsonSerializerSettings _jsonSerializeSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            _jsonSerializeSettings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
            _jsonSerializeSettings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
            _str = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_object, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, _jsonSerializeSettings);
            return _str;

于 2013-04-30T06:30:19.820 回答

BinaryFormatter 没有办法处理,因为它希望类被标记为可序列化。但是,您可以使用不同的序列化程序,例如:

我遇到了同样的问题,因为我不想改变我的整个对象模型,所以我编写了一个帮助程序库SInject,它在给定程序集上为除抽象类型、接口和非公共类型之外的所有类型注入序列化属性。如果你想坚持使用 BinaryFormatter 试试那个库,它可以在构建后通过 MSBuild 任务来完成。

如果你对这里感兴趣,这里有一个关于如何编写 MSBuild 任务的 MSDN 指南

于 2013-04-19T09:39:04.817 回答