I am using JRBeanCollectionDataSource as datasource for a subreport. Each record in the list contains elements with either null or non-null value . This is my POJO:

public class PayslipDtl {

        private String earningSalaryHeadName;
        private double earningSalaryHeadAmount;

        private String deductionSalaryHeadName;
        private double deductionSalaryHeadAmount;

        String type;

public PayslipDtl(String salaryHeadName,
            double salaryHeadAmount, String type) {
        if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("Earning")) {
            earningSalaryHeadName = salaryHeadName;
            earningSalaryHeadAmount = salaryHeadAmount;
         } else { 
            deductionSalaryHeadName = salaryHeadAmount;
            deductionSalaryHeadAmount = salaryHeadAmount;

        //getters and setters

Based on the "type", the list is populated as such: {"Basic", 4755, null, 0.0}, {"HRA", 300, null, 0.0}, {null, 0.0, "Employee PF", 925}, {"Medical Allowance", 900, null, 0.0} and so on...

After setting isBlankWhenNull to true and using "Print when" expression, the record is displayed as such:

|Earning            |Amount|Deduction            |Amount|
| Basic             | 4755 |                     |      |
| HRA               | 300  |                     |      |
|                   |      | Employee PF         |  925 |
| Medical Allowance | 900  |                     |      |
| Fuel Reimbursement| 350  |                     |      |
|                   |      | Loan                | 1000 |

I want it to be displayed as such:

|Earning            |Amount|Deduction            |Amount|
| Basic             | 4755 |  Employee PF        |  925 |
| HRA               | 300  |  Loan               | 1000 |
| Medical Allowance | 900  |                     |      |
| Fuel Reimbursement| 350  |                     |      |

Setting isRemoveLineWhenBlank to true doesn't work since it is not the entire row which is blank but only a subset of elements of a row that is null.

Is it possible in Jasper?

I am using iReport Designer 5.0.1 with compatibility set to JasperReports3.5.1.


2 回答 2


Use a List component for the deduction/amount, here you have a video tutorial on how to do this.

Then deduction and amount fields on the list component need the following options Blank when null and Remove line when blank.

If this still gives you blank lines, try putting both fields on a frame inside the list and mark those options for the frame too.

于 2013-04-19T11:40:01.473 回答


table employeeED:
srno int,
Earning varchar(50),
EarnAmount Double,
Deduction varchar(50)
DedAmount Double


    int i=1;
            Insert into employeeEd (srno, Earning,EarnAmount) values     (i, rs('earning'), rs('eamt'))

    int j=1;
           update employeeEd set Deductions='"+rs('earning')+"',  DedAmount=" + rs('eamt') + " where srno="+j)

然后使用employeeED 表作为数据源。100% 工作。

于 2017-02-12T14:25:01.647 回答