I am using JRBeanCollectionDataSource as datasource for a subreport. Each record in the list contains elements with either null or non-null value . This is my POJO:
public class PayslipDtl {
private String earningSalaryHeadName;
private double earningSalaryHeadAmount;
private String deductionSalaryHeadName;
private double deductionSalaryHeadAmount;
String type;
public PayslipDtl(String salaryHeadName,
double salaryHeadAmount, String type) {
if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("Earning")) {
earningSalaryHeadName = salaryHeadName;
earningSalaryHeadAmount = salaryHeadAmount;
} else {
deductionSalaryHeadName = salaryHeadAmount;
deductionSalaryHeadAmount = salaryHeadAmount;
//getters and setters
Based on the "type", the list is populated as such: {"Basic", 4755, null, 0.0}, {"HRA", 300, null, 0.0}, {null, 0.0, "Employee PF", 925}, {"Medical Allowance", 900, null, 0.0} and so on...
After setting isBlankWhenNull to true and using "Print when" expression, the record is displayed as such:
|Earning |Amount|Deduction |Amount|
| Basic | 4755 | | |
| HRA | 300 | | |
| | | Employee PF | 925 |
| Medical Allowance | 900 | | |
| Fuel Reimbursement| 350 | | |
| | | Loan | 1000 |
I want it to be displayed as such:
|Earning |Amount|Deduction |Amount|
| Basic | 4755 | Employee PF | 925 |
| HRA | 300 | Loan | 1000 |
| Medical Allowance | 900 | | |
| Fuel Reimbursement| 350 | | |
Setting isRemoveLineWhenBlank to true doesn't work since it is not the entire row which is blank but only a subset of elements of a row that is null.
Is it possible in Jasper?
I am using iReport Designer 5.0.1 with compatibility set to JasperReports3.5.1.