不幸的是,我最终没有走这条路。相反,我以与 XP..Windows 7 兼容的方式调整了 CFileDialog 以实现我想要的。
解决方案的关键是从通用对话框控件中获取 IShellBrowser* 实例:
// return the IShellBrowser for the common dialog
// NOTE: we force CComPtr to create a new AddRef'd copy (since the one that this gives us is synthesized, and hasn't had an AddRef on our behalf)
CComPtr<IShellBrowser> GetShellBrowser() const { return (IShellBrowser*)::SendMessage(GetCommonDialogHwnd(), CDM_GETISHELLBROWSER, 0, 0); }
为了做更有趣的事情(比如弄清楚真正选择了什么——不管用户是否有隐藏的文件扩展名,它的真实身份是什么)——我使用生成的 IShellBrowser*。
// Get display name of item in file open dialog. Flags tell how.
// SHGDN_FORPARSING gets the full path name even when user has
// checked `Hide extensions for known file types` in Explorer.
CString CMFCToolboxAdvancedFileDialog::GetDisplayNameOfItem(int nItem) const
// get the item ID of the given item from the list control
LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbsolute = GetItemIDListOf(nItem);
// no PIDL = no display name
if (!pidlAbsolute)
return "";
// get the display name of our item from the folder IShellFolder interface
CString path = GetDisplayNameOf(pidlAbsolute);
// deallocate the PIDL
// return the pathname
return path;
// return the ITEMIDLIST for the item at the specified index in the list view (caller is responsible for freeing)
LPITEMIDLIST CMFCToolboxAdvancedFileDialog::GetItemIDListOf(UINT nItem) const
// This can only succeed if there is an IShellView currently (which implies there is a list control)
CListCtrl * pListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
if (!pListCtrl)
return NULL;
// Use undocumented method (the pidl is stored in the item data)
// NOTE: Much thanks to Paul DiLascia for this technique (worked up until Vista)
// http://www.dilascia.com/index.htm
if (LPCITEMIDLIST pidlChild = (LPCITEMIDLIST)pListCtrl->GetItemData(nItem))
// get PIDL of current folder from the common dialog
LRESULT len = ::SendMessage(GetCommonDialogHwnd(), CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST, 0, NULL);
if (!len)
return NULL;
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = (LPCITEMIDLIST)CoTaskMemAlloc(len);
::SendMessage(GetCommonDialogHwnd(), CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST, len, (LPARAM)(void*)pidlFolder);
// return the absolute ITEMIDLIST
return ILCombine(pidlFolder, pidlChild);
// Use another undocumented feature: WM_GETISHELLBROWSER
CComPtr<IShellBrowser> pShellBrowser(GetShellBrowser());
if (!pShellBrowser)
return NULL;
// attempt to get access to the view
CComPtr<IShellView> pShellView;
if (FAILED(pShellBrowser->QueryActiveShellView(&pShellView)))
return NULL;
// attempt to get an IDataObject of all items in the view (in view-order)
CComPtr<IDataObject> pDataObj;
if (FAILED(pShellView->GetItemObject(SVGIO_ALLVIEW|SVGIO_FLAG_VIEWORDER, IID_IDataObject, (void**)&pDataObj)))
return NULL;
// attempt to get the ITEMIDLIST from our clipboard data object
const UINT cfFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST);
ClipboardStorageMedium stgmed;
if (FAILED(pDataObj->GetData(&fmtetc, &stgmed)))
return NULL;
// cast to the actual data requested
CIDA * pida = (CIDA*)stgmed.hGlobal;
// ensure we have that index
ASSERT(pida->cidl > nItem);
if (nItem >= pida->cidl)
return NULL;
// find the data for the item requested
const ITEMIDLIST * pidlParent = GetPIDLFolder(pida);
const ITEMIDLIST * pidlChild = GetPIDLItem(pida, nItem);
// return the absolute PIDL
return ILCombine(pidlParent, pidlChild);
// NOTE: this is the only way I know to get the actual list control!
CListCtrl * GetListCtrl() const
// return &GetListView()->GetListCtrl();
// we have to be a window to answer such a question
HWND hwnd = ::GetDlgItem(GetCommonDialogHwnd(), IDC_FILE_LIST_VIEW);
if (hwnd)
return static_cast<CListCtrl*>(CListCtrl::FromHandle(::GetWindow(hwnd, GW_CHILD)));
return NULL;