您如何测试 angularjs 指令的模板函数的属性,其中属性同时具有链接函数中定义的函数和角度绑定值?这是指令。
var app = angular.module('mmApp', []);
app.directive('mmField', function(){
return {
'restrict': 'E',
'priority': 5,
'replace': true,
'scope': {
'path': '@',
'label': '@',
'type': '@',
'editable': '@'
//this is the template function and this is where labelText() does not evaluate at least not where I test it.
'template': '<div class="mm-field">' +
'<label for="{{inputId()}}" ng-show="labelText()">{{labelText()}}</label> ' +
'link': function (scope, element, attrs) {
var query = null;
//this is where the labelText() function is defined
scope.labelText = function () {
var labelAttrValue = (scope.label || attrs['withLabel'] || '');
// cater for custom labels specified via the label or with-label attribute
if (labelAttrValue && labelAttrValue.toLowerCase() !== 'true' && labelAttrValue.toLowerCase() !== 'false') {
return (labelAttrValue || '') + ':';
} else if (labelAttrValue.toLowerCase() !== 'false' && scope.field) {
return (scope.field['name'] || 'FIELD_NAME_NOT_DEFINED') + ':';
} else if (labelAttrValue.toLowerCase() == 'false') {
return '';
} else {
return 'Loading...';
这是指令在 html 页面上的位置。
<mm-field with-label editable="false" path="{{rootPath}}.name"></mm-field>
我正在使用 mocha 和 chai 测试套件。这就是我想要测试它的方式。
describe('InputId', function () {
it.only('should generate an ID', function () {
var element = $($compile('<mm-field with-label="MONKEY" editable="false" path="something.name"></mm-field>' +
expect(element.find('label').attr('ng-show')).to.equal('an evaluated value of labelText()');