The "new" look for Google Fusion Tables allows you to create multiple "map" tabs (and others like "charts" and "summary"). My question is: how do you use Google Maps API to call a specific map tab you have created? For example, you may have a map tab you have designed with the following URL:


The fusion table id is 1InbiFbInR8OGcMgOngf3j2Bb2FTpEkZQuT1hNMo, and the map:id = 4. So in Google Maps API, you can layer this table as:

crime = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
    query: {
        select: 'Address',
        from: '1InbiFbInR8OGcMgOngf3j2Bb2FTpEkZQuT1hNMo'

But this will not apply any of the stylings or infowindows you may have done on your map tab. How do I tell Google Maps API to grab a specific map tab?

FYI, switching to "classic" view let's me apply a single map style to the fusion table that DOES get applied by the code above.



1 回答 1


您需要应用视图的styleIdand templateId。单击特定选项卡->发布->获取 HTML 和 Javascript,您将获得所需的内容。

于 2013-04-18T22:55:14.307 回答