I've been working on several projects involving Erlang in Eclipse ( using the Erlide plugin ) and dealing with erlang is somehow problematic in such IDE since it is hard to visualize the set of changes across all erlang source files that were modified.

When I use Netbeans for Java purposes, integrated to a centralized SVN, I can see all add/update/delete changes in different collors, compared to the last time I have committed such changes in source control system.

I tried to achieve the same with Eclipse + Erlide, but it does not appear possible. Somehow it is hard to understand the visual benefits of that.

Did anyone succeed well using a version control with Erlide, for the above purposes ?


2 回答 2


我不使用 Netbeans,所以我不确定我理解你的意思。VCS 插件提供与版本处理相关的功能,唯一特定于不同语言的是对版本的结构化比较的支持。

我建议你尝试 Eclipse+Java,如果他们做你想做的事而我们不做,那么在https://erlide-tools.assembla.com/spaces/erlide/support/tickets上提交一张票

于 2013-04-19T14:01:01.800 回答

Eclipse Subclipse 插件对我来说效果很好。SVN 主要有两个插件,SubclipseSubversion。查看 SVN插件比较链接以获取更多信息。

于 2013-04-18T22:40:58.130 回答