我有一个字符串的 hashSet,用于表示 RushHour 状态。hashSet 包含所有以前访问过的状态。
System.out.println("Whats Going on!!??");
这应该是不可能的!应该是?我刚刚检查了它们是否被包括在内并且它们被添加到队列中,所以必须通过 IF 语句!
public void search(Board b){
//--------Perform Breadth First Search on Board b--------//Method to solve the puzzle using Breadth First Search
System.out.println("Attempting to solve the Board using Breadth First Search...");
long startTime = System.nanoTime(); //capture the start time for the method
queue.add(b); //push the input board onto the front of the queue
while(!solved){ //while the board is not solved
currentBoard = queue.poll(); //assign the top of the queue to currentBoard
currentBoard.print(); //print the board to the screen (PRINT EVERY BOARD VISITED)
System.out.println("This board is on level " + getLevel(currentBoard));
//System.out.println("Visited Boards size: " + visitedHash.size());
System.out.println("Whats Going on!!??");
boardsExplored++; //increment the number of boardsExplored
if(currentBoard.isGoal()){ //if the board is the goal state
long endTime = System.nanoTime(); //capture the end time for the method
long duration = endTime - startTime; //calculate the duration for the method
time = (double)duration / 1000000000.0; //convert the time to seconds
System.out.println("SOLVED! Goal car is Free!");
System.out.println("Time taken to solve = " + time + " seconds"); //print the time taken in seconds
System.out.println("Moves made = " + (boardsExplored - 1)); //print the number of boards explored to reach goal
visitedHash.add(currentBoard.Convert()); //add the board (when converted to a string) to the list of visited boards
printSolution(currentBoard); //Call method to print shortest path found
write(b); //Call method to write data to the file
solved = true; //set solved to true
return; //exit the loop
visitedHash.add(currentBoard.Convert()); //add the board (when converted to a string) to the list of visited boards
childBoards = currentBoard.getChildMoves(); //call getChildMoves on the currentBoard to retrieve all available boards
for (int i = 0 ; i < childBoards.size() ; i ++){ //for every one of the child boards
if(!(visitedHash.contains(childBoards.get(i).Convert()))){ //if the child board has NOT previously been visited
queue.add(childBoards.get(i)); //add the child board to the queue and loop back
parent.put(childBoards.get(i), currentBoard); //Map the child board to its parent
level.put(childBoards.get(i), getLevel(currentBoard));