I have a requirement to implement timed horizontal scrolling of several images which take up most of the screen (except for the top which will be occupied by a static navigation bar-like UIView).

It needs to be timed so the images can swap programmatically but also user-swipable so the user can flick between them if they choose to. There are no requirements for the user to be able to pinch, zoom, scroll within an individual image etc. as each image is exactly the size of the available remaining space on the screen.

Googling for how to do this turns up a plethora of possibilities, some say use an existing library, some say to use UIScrollView, others say to use a UIPageViewControllers.

Which of the possibilities is most suitable?

Its for iOS6 and iOS5.


1 回答 1


ATPagingView 是一个很好的代码库,可以满足您的需要。您必须自己实现切换视图的计时器,但它确实具有用户启用的切换功能,就像您所说的那样。


于 2013-04-18T18:43:16.640 回答