我是 PERL 的新手,并且已经获得了我的第一个有用的脚本!现在我想增强它,但不明白如何使用数组来实现我的目标。我已经阅读了许多文章和帖子,但还不明白。

我正在使用的脚本计算给定扩展名的给定目录中的文件数并打印出来。我希望它还可以将文件名打印到初始指定目录中的 .txt 文件中。



use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use File::Find;

print "\n\n";
print "This script will start at the given directory and\nrecursively count the files of a given type\n\n\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n";
print "What directory would you like to start the count?\n\nDirectory Path: ";
my $dir = <STDIN>; #directory to begin search
chomp $dir;

print "\nWhat is the file extension you are searching for?\n\nFile Extension(.htm, .plx, .txt, etc.): ";
my $filext = <STDIN>; #file extension we're searching for
chomp $filext;

my $count = 0;

find(sub{$count++ if $File::Find::name =~ /$filext$/}, $dir);

     if ($count > 0){
     print "\n$count files counted, \n"; #display the number of files counted with the given file extension in the given directory


     else {
     print "Couldn't find any files to count.\n"; #if no files of the given type are found in the given directory




use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use File::Find;

print "\n\n";
print "This script will start at the given directory and\nrecursively count the files of a given type\n\n\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n";
print "What directory would you like to start the count?\n\nDirectory Path: ";
my $dir = <STDIN>; #directory to begin search
chomp $dir;

print "\nWhat is the file extension you are searching for?\n\nFile Extension(.htm, .plx, .txt, etc.): ";
my $filext = <STDIN>; #file extension we're searching for
chomp $filext;

my $count = 0;
my @files;
    if ($File::Find::name =~ /$filext$/) {
        push @files, $File::Find::name;
}, $dir);

     if ($count > 0){
     print "\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n";
     print "\n$count files counted: \n\n"; #display the number of files counted with the given file extension in the given directory
     foreach (@files){
         print "$_\n";


     else {
     print "Couldn't find any files to count.\n"; #if no files of the given type are found in the given directory

2 回答 2


您传递给的匿名 subfind可以执行多个语句,就像普通 sub 一样。

my @files;
    if ($File::Find::name =~ /$filext$/) {
        push @files, $File::Find::name;
}, $dir);

您也可以像这样检查数组的大小:my $count = scalar @files;而不是保持单独的计数

于 2013-04-18T17:42:11.670 回答



  • 在调用之前打开一个输出文件以将文件名列表写入find

  • 将每个文件名打印到新文件,因为它是由find


use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Find;

print "

This script will start at the given directory and
recursively count the files of a given type


What directory would you like to start the count?

Directory Path: ";

my $dir = <STDIN>;
chomp $dir;

print "
What is the file extension you are searching for?

File Extension(.htm, .plx, .txt, etc.): ";

my $filext = <STDIN>;
chomp $filext;


open my $out, '>', "$dir/file_list.txt" or die $!;
my $count = 0;
find(sub {
    return unless /\Q$filext\E$/;
    print $out "$_\n";
}, $dir);

if ($count > 0) {
    print "\n$count files counted\n";
else {
    print "Couldn't find any files to count\n";
于 2013-04-18T17:41:29.683 回答