我有一个Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelationUC继承自RelationUC该继承自RelationBase该继承自的 UserControl 类System.Window.Forms.UserControl


The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file: Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelationUC --- The base class 'AstusFMS.Content.RelationUC' could not be loaded. Ensure the assembly has been referenced and that all projects have been built.


我的程序仍在编译,但为什么这让我感到困扰?因为我有一个EmployeeForm使用很多UserControl(如Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelationUC)的表单,当我尝试编辑此表单中的某些内容时,表单中包含的每个继承自的 UserControl 都将UserControleBase被删除(左:TFS 服务器,右:本地):

EmployeeForm.Designer.cs 的差异(左:TFS 服务器,右:本地)

这个差异表明设计师删除了我所有的ucEmployee*对象。仅仅因为我更改了 ComboBox 的名称(组合框与其中一个 UC 无关)。

我注意到,当我创建一个新的 UserControl 文件时,显示的默认代码有一个错误: 默认用户控件有错误

但它就在Using System.Windows.Forms;那里。如果我改变它的UserControl工作System.Windows.Forms.UserControl原理。


用 VS2010、VS2012 更新 1、VS2012 更新 2 在 3 台不同的计算机上测试


2 回答 2


在 Form 或 Usercontrol 中使用泛型时,建议您放置一个定义 Generic 类型的空类。您当前的 Form 然后派生自该类。


  public partial class Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelationUC
    : Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelation_GenericUC
  { ... }

  public class Employee_EmployeeKeyOneRelation_GenericUC
    : RelationUC<MyObject>
  { }
于 2013-04-18T17:45:20.823 回答

VS2013 has a a bug with the form designer if you load in from VS2010 a C++ CLR Winforms app. "The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed. "

If you change and save the source file then the form designer starts to work again. But it fails again on loading in the project again. Looks like a race between loading the source file and the form designer parsing the code.

于 2014-06-03T02:09:43.607 回答