我被要求复制以下 Excel VBA 代码发送的文件。问题在于“for”循环中包含的数据的导出。数量“.111”在导出文件中写为“øSã=”,“.222”写为“øSc>”,“.333”写为“ú~ª>”。
Type Rigo_File
Status As Integer
Invio As Integer
Codice As String * 13
Quantita As Single
Udm As Integer End Type
Type type_file
Partita As String * 10
Macchina As String * 25
articolo As String * 25
colore As String * 25
note As String * 25
urgenza As Integer
Invio As String * 3
Righi(20) As Rigo_File
End Type
Dim NrOpen As Integer
Dim NomeFile As String, NomeFileTmp As String
Dim Rigo_File
Dim type_file
Dim typeM As type_file
Dim c As Integer
Partita = Right(Cells(1, 3), 10)
Macchina = Left(Cells(2, 3), 25)
articolo = Left(Cells(3, 3), 25)
colore = Left(Cells(4, 3), 25)
note = Left(Cells(5, 3), 25)
urgenza = CDbl(Cells(6, 3))
With typeM
.Partita = Partita
.Macchina = Macchina
.articolo = articolo
.colore = colore
.note = note
.urgenza = urgenza
.Invio = "001"
For ci = 1 To 20
.Righi(ci).Status = True
.Righi(ci).Invio = 1
.Righi(ci).Codice = Cells(8 + ci, 2)
.Righi(ci).Quantita = Cells(8 + ci, 3)
.Righi(ci).Udm = 1
Next ci
End With
NrOpen = FreeFile
On Error GoTo 0
Open FILEDIR & FILENAMEE For Random Access Write Shared As #NrOpen Len = Len(typeM)
Put #NrOpen, 1, typeM
Close #NrOpen