Im currently studying c++ templates and there's something I don't understand. So far I understand if you have the following generic class

    template <class T> class A{

To provide a specific specialization of the class, say for int objects, you'd define the following:

    template<> class A<int>{

However, I have been seeing cases similar to the following:

Original class is,

    template <class T, int Size> class buffer{

Then the speciliazed class for objects of type int is,

    template <int Size> class buffer<int, Size>{

I'm confused as why the specilization for int is not the following:

    template<> class bufffer<int, int Size>{

Can someone please explain.


1 回答 1


buffer模板有两个模板参数。第一个是类型参数,因为它以 开头class,第二个是非类型参数,因为它以 开头int


template <int N> class buffer<int, N> { ... };


每当您以template <>(空括号)开头时,这是一个明确的特化,您可以在其中指定所有模板参数。例如,您可以这样做:

template <> class buffer<int, 1> { ... };

当第一个模板参数是inttype 而第二个是 value时,这将是一个特化1

于 2013-04-18T13:32:57.063 回答