I'm currently scraping a bunch of interfaces and building basic XSDs from the information that I derive. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good simple library that I could use to build basic XSDs programatically from the list of simple parameters found by my application. I could do this by simply outputting the variable name and wrapping it in the XSD syntax like this <xs:element name="derivedKey" type="xs:string"> but I'd prefer that some library do this for me in case I decide to do something fancier down the road. Does anyone know of a good library to handle write XSDs without binding them to objects?


1 回答 1


我认为Apache XML Schema肯定会解决您的问题。您想要一个 Java 库以便您以轻松有效的方式创建 XSD。

Apache XML Scema 提供了您需要的所有这些功能。除此之外,它还可以读取 XSD,对其进行分析和修改。

于 2013-04-18T13:08:31.090 回答