嗨,我是 Java 编程新手,在我的最新项目中遇到了问题。我正在为保龄球制作一个分数生成器并完成了代码,除非我去测试它,它说
“Bowling_Score.main (Bowling_Score.java:34) 处的线程“主”java.lang.NullPointerException 中的异常”
System.out.println("Frame 1, Throw 1");
Frame1Throw1 = sc.nextInt();
这是我知道如何使用带变量的扫描仪的唯一方法,所以如果有更好的方法请告诉我。这也可能是一个问题,因为变量 Frame1Throw1 是列表中的第一个变量。
变量是正确的,我的扫描仪的名字是 sc
请具体回答,因为正如我所说,我是 Java 新手,现在只是学习基础知识。这是我的第一个大项目。
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bowling_Score {
private static Scanner sc;
public static void main(String[] args) {
//All Variables
int Frame1Throw1 = 0;
int Frame1Throw2 = 0;
int Frame2Throw1 = 0;
int Frame2Throw2 = 0;
int Frame3Throw1 = 0;
int Frame3Throw2 = 0;
int Frame4Throw1 = 0;
//Then I have one variable for each throw of the game, and one for the final total score.
System.out.println("To put in your score, put the number of pins you knocked down in the throw specified. If you get a strike, enter a 10 in the first throw of the frame and a 0 in the second throw of the frame. If you get a spare, Ener a 0 in the first throw of the frame and 10 in the second throw of the frame.");
//Frame 1
System.out.println("Frame 1, Throw 1");
Frame1Throw1 = sc.nextInt();
if (Frame1Throw1 == 10){
Frame1Throw1 = Frame1Throw1 + Frame2Throw1 + Frame2Throw2;
Frame1Throw2 = 0; }