我正在尝试根据影片剪辑的 x 和 y 位置缩放基本图像?基础镜像镜像也是一个 MC。

infoIconCompFit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, zoomInCompFit);
infoIconCompFit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, zoomOutCompFit);

function zoomInCompFit(event:MouseEvent):void {
   TweenLite.to(baseImage, 1, {scaleX:2, scaleY:2});

function zoomOutCompFit(event:MouseEvent):void {
   TweenLite.to(baseImage, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1});

我的意思是; 是否可以在舞台上另一个影片剪辑的 x 和 y 位置缩放影片剪辑?就像我希望基本动画剪辑在鼠标 ROLL_OVER 上另一个动画剪辑的位置缩放(放大)然后在鼠标 ROLL_OUT 上缩小。

我把它带到它在处理程序上放大和缩小的位置,但我如何让它相对于另一个 MC 放大到那个位置?

(之前)http://www.marketingfanatics.co.za/images/exampleNormal.jpg (之后)http://www.marketingfanatics.co.za/images/exampleZoomedl.jpg


1 回答 1



         * Calculate position and dimensions of image to zoom.
         * @param   img - image to animate, need to have transformation pivot in top left corner!
         * @param   point - point to zoom in (or null if zoom out) that will be new center of image
         * @param   scale - scale in zoom in
         * @param   viewWidth - container width
         * @param   viewHeight - container height
         * @return  object for tween engine with parameters to animate
        private function centerOn(img:DisplayObject, point:Point=null, scale:Number=2, viewWidth:Number=300, viewHeight:Number=200):Object
            var r:Object;
            var mm:Matrix = img.transform.matrix;
            img.transform.matrix = new Matrix();

            if (point == null) { // oryginal size
                r = { x: 0, y: 0, width: img.width, height: img.height };
            }else { // zoom
                img.scaleX = img.scaleY = scale;
                point.x *= scale;
                point.y *= scale;
                img.x = -point.x + viewWidth / 2;
                img.y = -point.y + viewHeight / 2;
                r = { x: img.x, y: img.y, width: img.width, height: img.height };
            img.transform.matrix = mm;
            return r;


TweenLite.to(baseImage, 1, centerOn(baseIMG, new Point(100, 150))); //zoom in
TweenLite.to(baseImage, 1, centerOn(baseIMG)); //zoom out
centerOn(img, new Point(200, 135), 4, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); // to fit stage size



于 2013-04-19T13:11:25.670 回答