This question has been asked before, but most of the answers revolve around HTML5.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
I need to attach data (phone dialling code) to option values of a select:
<select id="id_creditCardCountry">
<option value="ax">Aland Islands - AX</option>
<option value="al">Albania - AL</option>
<option value="dz">Algeria - DZ</option><!--e.g. Attach dial code "(+213)" -->
<option value="as">American Samoa - AS</option>
<option value="ad">Andorra - AD</option>
<option value="ai">Anguilla - AI</option>
There seem to be numerous ways to accomplish this. I need to find the best one (by best I mean most cross browser and efficient).
- The jQuery "data" function -- if this is the best method, can anyone give guidance of how to use in this instance?
- Set data based on element ID - This involves having to give an id to every option in the select.
- Further suggestions?