
在一些批处理脚本中,我看到“C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1”用于表示路径“C:\Oracle\Middleware”。我想知道为什么这是缩写,以及“MIDDLE~1”和“中间件”之间的映射存储在 Windows 中的哪个位置。你能帮忙吗?


2 回答 2


短文件名由 Windows 自动生成,以实现与旧的基于 MS-DOS 或 16 位程序的兼容性,这些程序期望所有文件名都采用 8.3 格式 - 即 8 个符号代表名称,3 个符号代表扩展名。可以在此处找到有关如何从长名称生成短名称的详细信息:https ://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc976806.aspx

于 2013-04-18T08:11:32.820 回答




Long filenames (LFN), are Microsoft's way of implementing filenames longer than 
the 8.3 filename, or short-filename, naming scheme used in Microsoft DOS in their
modern FAT and NTFS filesystems. Because these filenames can be longer than an 
8.3 filename, they can be more descriptive. Another advantage of this scheme is 
that it allows longer extensions common on other operating systems (e.g. .jpeg, 
.tiff, .html, and .xhtml) rather than specialized shortened names (e.g. .jpg, 
.tif, .htm, .xht). The first Microsoft Windows operating system to implement 
long filenames on FAT was Windows NT 3.5 in 1994.

The long filename system allows a maximum length of 255 UTF-16 characters,
including spaces and non-alphanumeric characters (excluding the following 
characters, which have special meaning within the command interpreter or the 
operating system kernel: \ / : * ? " < > |). 
This is achieved by chaining up to 20 directory entries of 13 2-byte unicode 
characters each.

To maintain compatibility with older operating systems, Microsoft formulated a 
method of generating an 8.3 filename from the long filename (for example, 
"Microsoft.txt" to "MICROS~1.TXT") and associating it with the file.
于 2013-04-18T08:13:17.823 回答