I have bit strange requirement of open google map in iframe. i have address that i use to pass and convert that into google map. but the trouble is the size of my iframe is 200*200 so the marker is not getting centered. and the other problem is the marker infowindow also gets poppedup after few seconds that makes my marker out of the frame boundry.and marker moves from the centere. my code is like this.

    var embed ='<iframe class="map_google" width="200" scrolling="no" height="200" frameborder="0" src="https:/maps.google.com/maps?&q=Ahmedabad&output=embed" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">';

i want to close the marker info window and make the marker cenetered. any help will be appreciated.

this was created by the use of the http://jsbin.com/welcome/68407/edit


1 回答 1


iwloc向 iframe-URL添加不带值的-parameter:http: //jsbin.com/emoyup/1/edit

URL 参数说明:http ://www.seomoz.org/ugc/everything-you-never-wanted-to-know-about-google-maps-parameters

于 2013-04-18T12:08:51.377 回答