I'm developing a website on my localhost which uses cookies. I have a function that generates a random, 25 character string which will be stored in a database and set as a referential cookie on the user's browser.

I've searched the internet and this site, but wasn't able to find a solution for my problem.

Below an overview of the related code

function generateRandomString($length){
    $string = "";
    $possible = "012346789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW";
    $maxlength = strlen($possible);
    if($length > $maxlength){
        $length = $maxlength;
    $i = 0; 
    while($i < $length){ 
        $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, $maxlength-1), 1);
        if(!strstr($string, $char)){ 
            $string .= $char;
    return $string;

$uCookie = generateRandomString(25);

setcookie('uHash', $uCookie, time()+60*60*24*30);

$stmt = $dbh->prepare('
    UPDATE User 
    SET u_UserCookie = :cookie 
    WHERE u_UserId = :id

    ':cookie' => $uCookie,
    ':id' => $user_id

Now when i try echo($_COOKIE['uHash']); i get an empty string.

The strange part is that when i check my chrome preferences, the cookie does exists

Name:    uHash
Content:    134uHnEPrCmBNGqeAjhRSUiJL
Domain: localhost
Path:   /~path/to/login
Send for:   Any kind of connection
Accessible to script:   Yes
Created:    Wednesday, April 17, 2013 4:21:27 PM
Expires:    Friday, May 17, 2013 4:21:27 PM

The string '134uHnEPrCmBNGqeAjhRSUiJL' can also be found in the database, so that works

Am i missing some basic info about cookies (on a localhost)?


The problem is, according to php.net

'that domain names must contain at least two dots (.), hence 'localhost' is invalid and the browser will refuse to set the cookie'

So i solved it by doing this

$domain = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost') ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : false;
setcookie('uHash', $uCookie, time()+60*60*24*30, '/', $domain, false);

3 回答 3


See this issue: Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

Domain names in a cookie must contain two dots. Localhost therefor is invalid.

于 2013-04-18T07:05:01.640 回答

Be sure that you're trying to access the cookie in the right path/domain :

 setcookie ('uHash', $uCookie, time()+60*60*24*30, /path/of/the/website, false);

You need to redirect to having the headers sending your cookie before you can catch it.

See setcookie doc.

于 2013-04-18T07:05:30.297 回答

We don't have all the relevant code but I guess it looks like this:

setcookie('uHash', $uCookie, time()+60*60*24*30);
echo $_COOKIE['uHash'];

From the manual:

Once the cookies have been set, they can be accessed on the next page load with the $_COOKIE or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS arrays.

If you absolutely need it on the same page, you can probably do this:

setcookie('uHash', $uCookie, time()+60*60*24*30);
$_COOKIE['uHash'] = $uCookie;
echo $_COOKIE['uHash'];
于 2013-04-18T07:08:35.040 回答