I am building a billing software for school. I am having problems on printing the bill.

  • 1.Should I use report viewer or Crystal Report ?? Whichever I use I have to bind report source to one of the table in my sql server database.
  • 2.How can i do this??

  • 3.Also I want to generate bill on a button click. How can I do this??


1 回答 1


是否要使用 SSRS 或 Crystal 完全取决于您,如果您想了解两者的优缺点,我建议您阅读 -将 SQL Server Reporting Services 与 Crystal Reports 进行比较

您会发现大量开发人员选择使用 SSRS,如果您也有同感,这里有一个很好的分步示例来帮助您入门 - ASP.net 中的 RDLC 报告

于 2013-04-18T10:16:45.187 回答