We are using highchart API along with javascript to draw some graphs in our application. But in IE8 the window gets hanged as soon as i try to open graph. I don't know how to fix this. in all other browsers i.e. chrome,mozilla its working fine.

The code goes like this

var chart=new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
     renderTo: container,
     plotBackgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
     plotBorderWidth: null,                 
     plotShadow: false,
     spacingTop: 0,
     spacingBottom: 0,
     animation: false
 title: {
     useHTML: true,
     text: licenseText,
     style: {
         color: '#000000',
         fontSize: '12px',
         textDecoration: 'underline',
         fontWeight: 'bold'
 plotOptions: {
     pie: {
         borderWidth: width,
         allowPointSelect: false,
         cursor: 'pointer',
         startAngle: 90,
         size: size,
         dataLabels: {
             enabled: showLabel,
             crop: true
 series: [{
 name: 'Occurrences',
 type: 'pie',
return chart; 

Once we get this chart then we set data in it chart.series[0].setData(numericDataSecondary);

How can i check object notation?


1 回答 1


Internet Explorer 对对象表示法非常严格。请检查您的对象符号,您可能为对象的最后一个成员保留了一个“,”,根据 IE,这是一个错误。


于 2013-04-18T06:06:11.007 回答