Public Class Form1
' Desired usage:
' Make_Thread(Thread Variable, Thread Name, Thread Priority, Thread Sub)
' Example:
' Make_Thread(Thread_1, "Low thread", Threading.ThreadPriority.Low, AddressOf Test_Sub)
Private Thread_1 As Threading.Thread ' Thread Variable
Private Function Make_Thread(Of TKey)(ByRef Thread_Variable As Threading.Thread, _
ByVal Thread_Name As String, _
ByVal Thread_Priority As Threading.ThreadPriority, _
ByRef Thread_Sub As Func(Of String, TKey)) As Boolean ' I'd ByRef a function but really I will pass a Subroutine.
' See if the thread is already running.
Dim is_running As Boolean
If Thread_Variable Is Nothing Then _
is_running = False _
Else is_running = Thread_Variable.IsAlive
' If the thread is already running, do nothing.
If is_running Then Return False : Exit Function
' Make the thread.
Thread_Variable = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Thread_Sub)
Thread_Variable.Priority = Thread_Priority
Thread_Variable.IsBackground = True
Thread_Variable.Name = Thread_Name
' Start the thread.
Return True
End Function
Private Sub Test_Sub()
MsgBox("A message from the thread!")
End Sub
End Class