* getter method, basically same as offsetGet().
* This method can be called from an object of type Zend_Registry, or it
* can be called statically. In the latter case, it uses the default
* static instance stored in the class.
* @param string $index - get the value associated with $index
* @return mixed
* @throws Zend_Exception if no entry is registerd for $index.
public static function get($index)
$instance = self::getInstance();
if (!$instance->offsetExists($index))
if ($instance->lazyLoad($index, $return))
return $return;
throw new Zend_Exception("No entry is registered for key '$index'");
return $instance->offsetGet($index);
public static function getDb()
return self::get('db');
$instance = self::getInstance();
public function offsetGet ($index) {}